Jamaican Man back Ina Style fe 2009! Even though they hesitate to taste your estacy!
Sandy Daley
U know se tings really gaan bad when me have to say that Jamaican man come back ina style fe 2009! We all know the track record with our Jamaican men so let us not pretend as if you do not understand what I mean! Over the last few years, primarily because of a failed common law marriage and some painful experiences with Jamaican men, I have honestly only dated the American brothers. I thought to myself, “Alright, let me try the other side and see what they have to offer.” But bwoy, just from my observations, and my girlfriend’s experiences with the Yankee men, “gimme the Jamaican man any day,” is what I am saying to myself nowadays.
From the lawyer in Atlanta, to the Manufacturing Manager in Ohio, to the big shot IBM Software man in North Carolina, I have discovered, grudgingly so, that I prefer my Island brothers. Yes, you too Mr. Trinidad. Everybody know se yu like Jamaican women under the quiet!
Don’t get me wrong, it is not my belief that they were not all bad; maybe my timing was not in sync with theirs or something. I have also come to realize that the values that I grew up with in Jamaica, where having a woman is seen as an honor, most American men have not grasped that concept. Some do I am sure, but I believe that it is instilled in a Caribbean man from his days as a youth, running around in the country, barefoot. Caribbean men seemingly know that if he has a woman, it is his responsibility to try to take care of her. Our Yankee brothers need to be taught, just like the Caribbean man.
Now, if this was happening to me alone, then I would walk away and say that this was my entire fault, and I must obviously be doing something wrong. It unfortunately is not, and women are experiencing major letdowns all over the globe.
I have one friend in particular, who every other weekend she picks herself up, rents a car and drives across the border to visit her so-called “man”. I won’t say which friend of course, she might read this. Actually, no, she won’t read this, she is probably busy on the phone as we speak, cursing him out, asking him why he has not sent her any money. Again! So, therefore I can continue on with my story.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for love and the pursuit of happiness, but paying for a rental car every weekend out of my own pocket, losing time and money from my job and driving in the snow, rain or shine, is not a smart move in my opinion. Especially in the snow! Look how cold Canada can get! As I told her one day,” If he was your man, you would not be borrowing money from me, a single mother of two boys. To top it off, she is always asking me to put money on your pre-paid cell phone for her. And that’s another thing, “why can’t this American brother get her a plan on her phone and have her ditch her pre-paid? If I had a penny for every time that she said to me,” “Girl, I can’t talk too long cause you are burning up my minutes.” I would be a very rich woman. Oh brother! I just chuckle and roll my eyes every time that she says this.
“My relationship is very important to me,” she says. “What relationship?” I ask her. “I have more of a relationship with myself and I am a single gal,” I think to myself. Those words bubble up on my tongue to say, but I, of course, say nothing. Besides the fact that she might call me mean-spirited, which she has done in the past on many occasions, she is personal trainer, and a good one at that. Free personal training three times a week, and the sculpted tush that I have now, thanks to her, makes me keep quiet. “No need to ruin the round rump” I rationalize to myself, because of her dumbness. “Summer is here and my rear is looking more and more like Jennifer Lopez’s or Kim Kardashian’s butt every day. So of course, I say nothing.
In my opinion there is no penis that gratifying for me to drive hundreds of miles for, in the snow or hail. I suggested that she try to receive her, “sexual satisfaction,” for a lack of a better description for it, via the telephone. Everyone in a long distance relationship understands what I mean. This of course does not go over very well with her to say the least. “For goodness sake, I say to her. This is 2009, get with the program and get a web-cam if you must!” She however, does not listen to my advice. To this day she can be seen burning rubber on the 401 on a Friday afternoon to ensure that she gets to the border in time because, “Him might want to borrow de car.” Most times with no bars left on her pre-paid cell or money in her pocket. Is this girl really a Jamaican woman I ask myself?’ He must be laying de pipes down good on her because I do not understand her logic. I think she has been in dis country too long and she needs a refresher course on being a woman, an island woman.
If this was a Jamaican or Caribbean brother, he would not have her doing these foolish acts. He would probably say something to the tune of, “Baby, it alright. How much money fe de phone and no botha come this week. Mek me we send the money next week and send a ticket for you.” I laugh every time that I go to a Western Union store and listen to the conversations as the Caribbean men send money to their women. You can literally see the pain on the guys faces as their women on the line tell them, very harshly I might add, that ,”what he is sending is not enough and she needs to find another man.” You should see dem scramble in their pockets to find more. It is hilarious to watch!
I myself have gotten tons of offers from men, for gifts and tickets: men with whom I have never had any intimate relationships with. I just received and offer two days ago from a hardworking blue collar man from New York. I, of course turned it down, but I appreciate the fact that he approached me the proper way. This Jamaican brother knows that my time is valuable and respects it, even if he is not rich.
If a Jamaican brother has ten women whom he has claimed in his head, his little black behind will work has hard as he can to keep them all. They might not get everything equally divided amongst them, but he tries his best. One girl might get a car, one her school paid for, one her dresses bought and one would get the vacation package. An American will expect to receive everything from women, and often he is not doing the proper things as a man, for any of his women.
I will be kind to the Yankee man and congratulate him for always being open to giving his women that."extra special attention down south,"if you know what I mean. Even though most or all Caribbean men oblige their ladies as well in the dark, we all know that them admitting this to their friends would be tragic. "Me don't do dem something de," a Jamaican man will say to his brethen. This is what he says to his friends but to his woman his words will be,"Baby no badda tell u frien dem bout dis alright?" We will keep it quiet for you Caribbean fellas.Your secret is safe with us.
I hold my sisters accountable to some degree for these irresponsible acts that we are experiencing. We allow these men to get away with murder and not feel responsible for us, or their actions. We continue to enable and be intimate with them. Women need to set their standards higher and expect nothing but the best from our guys. Then and only then will we receive the rewards.
Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that a man having ten women out there is right. However, I would rather have my man trying hard to please me than not trying at all. At least I know that there is a chance for it to work.
A Jamaican man knows that he has to approach a woman with more than just the pleasure of experiencing the, “Big wad, “between his legs. At least him wi try a likkle ting wid u! It might be with ten others at the same time, but he makes all of them feel loved and cared for. None will be left out. I think I might accept the Education package from now on and run wid it.I have always wanted to go for my Masters!
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